Below Elbow.
Below elbow amputation
Removal of limb between wrist and elbow.
Bench alignment
Static alignment of prosthetic/orthotic components.
Device used for an amputation between wrist and elbow.
Bilateral amputation.
Amputation of both lower limbs.
Biscapular abduction
Bringing both shoulders forward which is used in prosthetic control of upper extremity conventional prosthesis.
Biscapular adduction
Bringing both shoulders backwards which is used in prosthetic control of upper extremity conventional prosthesis.
Acronym for Below Knee.
Boston Brace
Spinal orthosis developed in Boston, USA to treat various back diagnoses.
Another term used to describe an orthosis.
Proximal trimlines of a socket or brace.
Build-up (tech.)
Area where plaster/other material is used to relieve an impingement or prominence.
Bulbous stump
Refers to the residual limb being larger in circumference at the end than at the top.
BURGESS amputation
Transversal surgical technique according to Burgess: transtibial amputation building a long posterior flap.