Sacroiliac joint
Joints between sacrum and pelvis.
Sacroiliac Orthosis
Lumbo-Sacral-Pelvic Orthosis.
SACH foot
Solid ankle cushion heel.
Sagittal plane
Pertaining to the side of.. Observes flexion and extrension.
Lateral, or outward, curvature of the spine in the thoracic and/or lumbar regions.
Shoulder Elbow Orthosis.
Shoulder Elbow Hand Wrist Hand Orthosis.
Shoulder Elbow Hand Wrist Orthosis.
Type of sock used directly against the skin to cut down on friction when wearing a prosthesis.
Shock absorber
Component used on a prosthesis that reduces vertical impact forces.
Shoe insert
Foot orthosis, arch support.
Shoulder elevation
A movement used to control an upper extremity prosthsis tounlock/lock the elbow. Raising the shoulder.
Term used to describe when an extremity or residual limb loses muscle mass or volume.
Type of compression garment to reduce the edema in a residual limb.
Shuttle lock
Locking mechanism used in a prosthesis to keep the liner locked in the socket so the prosthsis does not fall off the extremity.
Silesian belt
Strap the wraps around the waist to keep/aide suspension in a prosthesis.
Chemical material with rubber-like mechanical properties.
Silicone liner
Liner with suspension- or soft tissue replacement properties.
Silicone suspension sleeve
A device supporting or providing TT-socket suspension.
Single axis (or uniaxial) foot
Prosthetic foot featuring plantar-dorsiflexion axis only.
Single axis joint
Orthotic, prosthetic joints featuring one (transverse) axis only.
Sacroiliac Orthosis.
Prosthetic "container" for a residual limb or stump.
Solid ankle foot orthosis
Ankle foot orthosis that keeps the ankle in 90 degrees.
Sound side leg
Non-Amputated side/limb.
Spina bifida
Paralysis caused by congenital defect of the spinal column.
Spinal cord injury
Paralysis caused by trauma or disease disturbing the spinal cord.
Spinal orthosis
Brace used to support the back.
Split Hooks
Terminal devices with two hook-shaped fingers operated through the action of harness and cable systems.
Inflammation of the vertebrae.
Sliding of vertebra with incomplete intervertebral arch.
Act of standing.
Stance phase
Phase of walking while the foot is in contact with the ground.
Stance phase control
Prosthetic device controlling knee flexion.
Static alignment
Setting up a prosthesis in a predetermined alignment that does not specifically pertain to the end user.
Term used to describe the remaining limb after an amputation.
Stump care
Care and hygiene of the residual limb.
Stump shrinker
Type of compression garment to reduce the edema in a residual limb.
Stump sock
A sock knitted to fit the shape of the residual limb worn inside the socket. The sock reduces the friction between the residual limb and the socket and replaces lost volume in the socket due to shrinking of the residual limb.
Term used to desribe a cerebro-vascular accident. The cause is from lack of blood to the brain due to blocked vessel.
Suction chamber
Distal space in a prosthetic socket serving as (low-pressure) chamber (uncommon today!).
Suction socket
Prosthetic socket, suspension supported by vacuum.
Movement of the hand. Palm of the hand facing down toward the ground and then turning the palm upward.
Laying on your back.
Supra condylar
Above the condyles.
Suspension sleeve
Fabric used to hold the prosthesis onto the leg. Also used to keep air from getting into socket.(Suction).
When an incision is closed by the doctor, sutures are used to sew the cut closed.
Swedish knee cage
Knee orthosis for hyperextended knee joint.
swing phase
The phase of walking when the foot is not in contact with the ground.
Swing phase control
Mechanism used in a prosthesis that controls the swing of the knee joint by increasing or decreasing the speed.
Syme's amputation
An amputation level that is performed through the ankle joint.