Q. What is 360 O&P?

360 O&P is one of the first online communities that allows patients, clients, family, healthcare professionals as well as manufacturers and insurance carriers a place to communicate with one another. The site's chat rooms, blogs and forums bring these sometimes disparate groups together. Additionally any user can research a particular diagnosis and find a wide variety of devices that are used to treat the specific diagnosis. The latest information about the newest technology in the O&P world, convenient providers, and premier manufacturers is right at your fingertips.

Q. Why should I become a member?

Becoming a member of the 360 O&P community allows you the opportunity to participate in one of the first orthotics and prosthetics community on the web. 360 O&P members can participate in chat rooms, blogs, and become featured members. You will also be able to search a database of other members who may be experiencing situations similar to yours. Perhaps you want to suggest a solution, or find a tennis player in your area, or just share a story with the community - at 360 O&P we provide you a forum to do that and much more. Remember, you do not have to join, however, without joining you will be unable to contribute to the many conversations. There is no cost, so join now! The more members, the more successful the community becomes.

Q. How private is my personal information?

You decide how much information you would like to reveal when filling out the free membership. Once you become a member, your information will not be used or provided by any other entity except that of 360 O&P.

Q. What is a provider?

A provider is any healthcare professional that can aid in the treatment or rehab of your particular diagnosis. (physician, orthotist/prosthetist, or ocupational/physical therapist).

Q. How do I find a provider in my area?

By clicking on the O&P Expert Directory, you can find a 360 Certified provider close to your home.

Q. There are many words and terms that are unfamiliar to me. How do I find out what they mean?

Most terms that are not widely known will be linked to the 360 Dictionary, which will provide a detailed definition or picture of the term.

Q. How do I participate in a chat room, blog or forum?

By becoming a member for free, you can participate and add content to them all; without joining, you will only be able to read the content.


Q. How do I continue to get up-to-date news regarding my diagnosis?

When you become a member, make sure you mark the box that allows 360 O&P to send you up-to-date information.

Q. How do I become a featured member?

Fellow members will nominate you based on your contributions to the forums as well as any special accomplishments you may have achieved.

Q. How do I share helpful hints to others living with a similar diagnosis or experiencing the similar issues?

Our members are always looking for ideas and hints to help them deal with their diagnosis. Please visit our Your Ideas & Helpful Hints page to contribute.

Q. How can I become 360 Certified?

 Apply to be 360 Certified 

Please fax the following items to (813)-985-4499

  • ABC/BOC Certification
  • Statement showing CEU’s are up-to-date
  • State License

Contact us if you have any other questions about becoming 360 Certified. 


Q. Where can I find a list of braces/devices so I can find out more about them?

Visit the Products & Services page to get a list of braces/devices defined by the part of the body. Or simply search our entire site by simply entering the keyword into the 360 search box.

Q. How do I nominate a member to be featured?

By becoming a member for free, you can participate in nominating other members to be featured, adding  content, posting entries in our forums and much more. Register for free now!


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