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Education Online...It's obviously needed!! 

Greg Bauer

I just read the recent letter from the Amputee Coalition of America President, Kendra Calhoun.  I found it surprising that of the 841 people that attended the Amputee Coalition National Conference this past year, that only 288 of those were amputees.  I do not quite know what to make from this 3:1 ratio.   It is alarming to me that of the 2 million amputees that live here in the United States, only 288 found it beneficial to attend this event.  What does this mean?  With an event like this held in a city such as Atlanta, where it has one of the biggest airports in the country, what happened?  Is it really that difficult for people to attend a conference. Or is it the lack of interest in learning?  One of the answers that the ACA came up with was to alternate years in hosting this event in order to enhance educational programs to reach and engage the target audience.  In my opinion, they,and we, need to do a better job at educating the amputee throughout the year and not just every other year.  It pretty much needs to be an everyday occurence.  By reading this letter from Kendra Calhoun, it has inspired me to make sure that all of the bloggers here at continue to educate first and encourage discussion online in order to meet your needs.  And oh yeah, you all don't be afraid to ask the question!!

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ilyassie : re: Education Online...It's obviously needed!! commented on Friday, April 12, 2019 3:07:19 AM
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Greg Bauer : re: Education Online...It's obviously needed!! commented on Monday, May 3, 2010 4:33:36 PM
Hey...You should blog about it. Plus, you can view it in our video browser at: Very Cool!!!
KyraJ : re: Education Online...It's obviously needed!! commented on Monday, May 3, 2010 3:17:30 PM
Hey, this does not pertain to your post but....The blade is super cool. You can watch the video on or It can be worn everyday PLUS, you can run long distance or play sports in it. There are 2 versions, a low profile, which already comes assembled and a regular which you can cut down.

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