SureStep - Dynamic Stabilizing System

SureStep - Dynamic Stabilizing System SureStep - Dynamic Stabilizing System SureStep - Dynamic Stabilizing System
SureStep - Dynamic Stabilizing System (Logo) SureStep - Dynamic Stabilizing System


Dynamic Stabilizer System


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Increased Stability


While there are many different types of orthoses that attempt to correct hypotonic pronation, they do so by locking the foot into a static alignment. Only the SureStep system uses the unique, patented principle of compressing the foot, through the use of an extremely lightweight, thin and flexible plastic, creating a stable midline position from which the foot can move naturally through the gait cycle. This truly dynamic concept allows for more natural movement of the foot and ankle while still maintaining proper alignment in standing, walking and running.



Help them learn it right


As children begin to take steps, they build and reinforce their gait muscle strategies and movement patterns. The unique design of SureStep allows for intrinsic movements, therefore, the intrinsic musculature, muscle strategies, balance reactions and movement patterns necessary for a natural, efficient and stable gait are encouraged.



Better Alignment


Excessive pronation puts undue stress on the knees and hips by changing the alignment of the lower extremities, taxing the muscles of the legs greatly. This often results in complaints of fatigue and “tired legs”. The SureStep system helps to stabilize the foot and ankle, which helps to relieve the stress from the knee and hip joints and allows the muscles to work more efficiently and joints to travel more efficiently.


(Custom Fabricated from measurements)


The SureStep Dynamic Stabilizing System is a revolutionary concept in stabilizing the foot and ankle in children with low tone. The advanced, patented technology of SureStep outperforms traditional bracing in addressing this type of medial/lateral instability while promoting normal function.



Improved Efficiency


Children who pronate expend a great deal of energy through their feet, legs and upper body in an attempt to counter imbalances caused by pronation related instabilities. The SureStep system helps to stabilize the foot and ankle, which reduces the need for extensive balance compensation.

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