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Human Leg 

Human Leg
In common usage, a human leg is the lower limb of the body, extending from the hip to the ankle, and including the thigh, the knee, and the cnemis. The largest bone in the human body, the femur, is in the leg.




In human anatomical terms, the leg is the part of the lower limb that lies between the knee and the ankle. This article generally follows the common usage.


The leg from the knee to the ankle is called the cnemis (nee'mis) or crus. The calf is the back portion and the shin is the front.


Legs are often used metaphorically in many cultures to indicate either strength or mobility. The supporting columns of an object may be referred to as legs as well, as in chair legs.

Function and cultural aspects


Legs are often used for standing, walking, jumping, running, kicking, and similar activities, and are a significant portion of a person's mass.


Adolescent and adult females in many Western cultures often remove the hair from their legs. Toned, tanned, shaved legs are sometimes perceived as a sign of youthfulness and are often considered attractive in these cultures.




The muscles of the human lower leg

Long bones of the lower limb

§          Femur (thigh bone)

§          Patella (kneecap)

§          Tibia (shin bone)

§          Fibula (calf bone)

Muscles of the human lower limb

Muscles of the thigh

Anterior compartment of the thigh

§          Quadriceps femoris, which is composed of:

o         Vastus lateralis

o         Vastus medialis

o         Vastus intermedius

o         Rectus femoris

§          Sartorius

§          Tensor fascia lata

Medial compartment of the thigh

§          Adductor longus

§          Adductor brevis

§          Adductor magnus

§          Gracilis

§          Pectineus

Posterior compartment of the thigh

§          Biceps femoris

§          Semimembranosus

§          Semitendinosus

Muscles of the cnemis

§          Popliteus

The anterior compartment

§          Tibialis anterior

§          Extensor digitorum longus

§          Extensor hallicus longus

§          Fibularis tertius

The posterior compartment

§          Gastrocnemius

§          Plantaris

§          Soleus

(all these muscles are at the distal end attached to the calcaneus by the Achilles' tendon)

The deep posterior compartment

§          Tibialis posterior

§          Flexor digitorum longus

§          Flexor hallicus longus

The lateral compartment

§          Fibularis longus

§          Fibularis brevis


Vasculature of the leg

The arteries

§          Femoral artery

§          Profunda femoris

§          Superficial femoral artery

§          Popliteal artery

§          Tibial artery

o         Anterior tibial artery

o         Posterior tibial artery

§          Fibular artery

§          Arcuate artery

The veins

§          Greater saphenous vein

§          Lesser saphenous vein

§          Femoral vein

§          Popliteal vein

§          Anterior tibial vein

§          Posterior tibial vein

§          Fibular vein


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